The Fate of Chentoufi: Adventure in Luke Gygax's Okkorim

Created by Gaxx Worx

Welcome to the wonderful World of Okkorim by Luke Gygax! This is the epic conclusion to the Oculus of Senrahbah series!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

11 months ago – Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 12:39:42 PM

The physical copies of The Fate of Chentoufi have arrived! Matt will begin shipping them this weekend! He has about 250 copies to get through, so it may be a few weeks still - but they are on the way!

 In other news: we have an updated version of The Fate of Chentoufi AND the Sword & Sorcery version yet to send out, but they will be distributed via soon!

Thank you for joining us on this journey! We're almost there!

Luke & Matt

Your Fate is Sealed! - Gaxx Worx
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 10:10:18 AM

....or perhaps "Your Fate is in your inbox!" I've never been good with jokes. 

Regardless - the PDF version is going out TODAY! Happy Friday the 13th! I will send out the S&W version separately (there are a couple of minor corrections I need to get over to them before it goes out).

The book itself is out for print (finally) and we should have that in just a few weeks!!

 Have a great weekend!


Look for the Backerkit!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 11:05:40 AM

Hello all! This is Matt - be on the lookout for the BackerKit email coming out shortly! The "smoke test" is first, so a random 5% of backers will likely get it today and we'll shoot the rest out the door tomorrow!!

Just as a heads-up, the book is out for print and, as Luke mentioned in another comment, I'll be sending out the DIGITAL version here in the next few days. 

Game on!


Summer is Gone and Autumn Welcomes Us
about 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 10:10:08 PM

Hail Backers,

I hope you all enjoyed your summertime.  Fall is upon us and the kids are back to school which is both a blessing and curse.  I have a quiet home for 6 hours each day to work, but I have the tasks of transporting my girls to school and back, as well as music lessons and the like. Time passes to quickly for my liking as my little girls are blossoming into young adults which heralds a day when they will sally forth intop the world to be the heroes in their own tales.  I have digressed from the purpose of this update, so let me return to the business at hand.  

The Fate of Chentoufi is completed, laid out and queued up for print.  I do not have an exact date for delivery, but if I had to guess its likley 6 weeks or so before we receive it and are able to begin the fulfillment process.  This is my best estimate at this time so please bear with me if my estimation proves to be erroneous.   Otherwise I am lookin forward to emailing folks to set up virtual games next month and run Fate at Gamehole Con!

Keep the dice rolling!


Fate is done, edited and ready for layout!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 01, 2023 at 04:22:55 PM

Hail Backers,

I am getting ready to fly out to Gen Con tomorrow however I wanted to check in with you all before heading out for the week.  Matt and I have Fate completed, reviewed and edited.  I really like this adventure and I think you will too.  The NPC and magic items added by the Guest Designers are great and helped the story development quite a bit.  I had a lot of fun working on this one.  We have one last peice of art pending, but its a couple days to finish and we have a placeholder, so things should be progressing well from here.  I don't have a window for printing yet, but I'll update you when I do.  Thank you as always for your support.

